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Monday, February 8, 2010

College Scene

When it comes to women and dating in college, there is a certain amount of calibration that needs to be set in order to get results. Being a college student myself, I understand this concept quite well.

I suggest checking out this eBook called
"Conquer your Campus" by Mark Redman and Christian Hudson if you really want to get the college game down. Basically, gaming at a club or bar as opposed to a college campus is a little different, but the one thing that is always going to stay consistent is inner game; without it, your inevitably going to crash and burn. Think of inner game as the foundation to everything, because no matter where you are e.g. college, bar, club etc., your going to need to have the fundamentals of inner game perfected.

After reading "Conquer your Campus", I must say that a lot of the material makes sense. Most of the material in the eBook emphasizes being social, and I definitely agree in a college setting, you need to be as social as possible without looking like your trying too hard. The key is to be natural, which a lot of PUA's emphasize as being the ultimate goal. Get out there, join some clubs, meet everyone and enjoy your years in college!! We live once baby, let's not waste anymore time!
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