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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Approaching Women



This is what separates the alpha male from the chode.

Whenever you get nervous when you’re about to contemplate whether or not to approach a girl, this is what the PUA’s call approach anxiety. Now, you may be wondering, “Will approach anxiety ever go away completely?” The honest answer to that is:


But here’s the good news: you will get used to it, but that little nervousness feeling will most likely still be there. The best way to cope with approach anxiety is to do it as much as possible; in fact, once you regularly approach girls on a daily basis, you become almost immune to it.

There are many interesting theories as to why men have this strong approach anxiety. My personal take on it is that all men have huge ego’s, and if we risk the chance of getting rejected , we feel that this will ruin our so called “image” and thereby, the risk is not worth the reward….but this couldn’t be any farther from the truth. If you don’t take risks at ALL, as in life as well, than you just aren’t living to you’re fullest potential. YOU LIVE ONCE BABY, REMEMBER THAT!

So now you may be wondering, “How Do I Approach a Girl?” Well, based on my own personal experience, the best way to do it is to approach indirectly; that means walking up to a girl in a non-linear angle. The biggest mistake is to wake straight to a girl, because this projects way to much intent and interest (unless the girl is giving you strong IOI’s (Indicators of Interest), like intense eye fucks). Remember to make strong eye contact and don’t worry about what to say, its all about HOW YOU SAY IT!! (I will elaborate on this in my future posts)

So for now, try to approach as many girls as you can. I will post advice and strategies as to how to succeed in your approaches, but for now get out there and meet some women!

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