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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pet Peeve of the Month: ABERCROMBIE & FITCH



I know this might come off as strong, but i honestly don’t give a shit…


Here’s my my deal with Abercrombie…

A while back ago, I was recruited to work at a local Abercrombie Kids store at the local mall. Now, needless to say, I only worked there for a little pocket change but dreaded it. I eventually quit after only a couple of months due to a tremendous amount of school work and the fact that I did not like the people there (they were fake, retarded, and downright snobs). But this shouldn’t persuade you from not buying clothes from there…What should persuade you is this:

Abercrombie & Fitch (as well as Hollister, Gilly Hicks, and Ruell) is a company that is known for exploiting third world countries by providing horrific work conditions for their workers as well as exploiting child labor…CHILD FUCKING LABOR! Look into this topic and you’ll see that Abercrombie & Fitch is right up their with companies like Nike and Gap when it comes to fucking over underdeveloped countries. This couldn’t anger me more, and the fact the people are so ignorant downright disgusts me.

As you can see from the above image, not only does the company exploit their workers, they’re fucking racist as well! I'm sure Mike Jeffries (CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch) is the biggest toolbag you could ever meet; Google image the  piece of shit and you’ll bare witness to a prime example of why you should never get plastic surgery.

If you can’t read what’s on the “Wong Brothers” tee-shirt, it read’s as follows.. “Two Wongs Can Make It White”… Seriously, being Asian myself, this shit pisses me off.

So the next time you’re going shopping, do yourselves a favor and don’t even bother walking into any of their stores. Trust me, the people there are fake as hell (they’re forced to “greet” you, and sometimes they can’t even manage to do that!), racist (IF YOU’RE BLACK, THEY WILL EYE FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU IT’S NOT EVEN FUNNY), and just retarded in general. I firmly believe that if you work there for more than a couple months, you’re basically a DEADBEAT.

To me, wearing Abercrombie & Fitch clothing ( as well as Hollister) is a way of trying to “fit” into an ideal image; well, that image is so unoriginal and bland (not to mention racist) that I literally get disgusted when I see people wearing the clothing. Never, I repeat, NEVER wear/buy their clothing, you’ll end up being the biggest chode to ever walk on the face of this earth!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Approaching Women



This is what separates the alpha male from the chode.

Whenever you get nervous when you’re about to contemplate whether or not to approach a girl, this is what the PUA’s call approach anxiety. Now, you may be wondering, “Will approach anxiety ever go away completely?” The honest answer to that is:


But here’s the good news: you will get used to it, but that little nervousness feeling will most likely still be there. The best way to cope with approach anxiety is to do it as much as possible; in fact, once you regularly approach girls on a daily basis, you become almost immune to it.

There are many interesting theories as to why men have this strong approach anxiety. My personal take on it is that all men have huge ego’s, and if we risk the chance of getting rejected , we feel that this will ruin our so called “image” and thereby, the risk is not worth the reward….but this couldn’t be any farther from the truth. If you don’t take risks at ALL, as in life as well, than you just aren’t living to you’re fullest potential. YOU LIVE ONCE BABY, REMEMBER THAT!

So now you may be wondering, “How Do I Approach a Girl?” Well, based on my own personal experience, the best way to do it is to approach indirectly; that means walking up to a girl in a non-linear angle. The biggest mistake is to wake straight to a girl, because this projects way to much intent and interest (unless the girl is giving you strong IOI’s (Indicators of Interest), like intense eye fucks). Remember to make strong eye contact and don’t worry about what to say, its all about HOW YOU SAY IT!! (I will elaborate on this in my future posts)

So for now, try to approach as many girls as you can. I will post advice and strategies as to how to succeed in your approaches, but for now get out there and meet some women!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fashion Tip of the Month: SKINNY JEANS



Now I know what your probably thinking: ALPHA MALE’S DON’T WEAR SKINNY JEANS YOU MORON!!

Let me just say this…


Think about it…..

It takes a serious amount of balls to wear a pair of skinny jeans. If you’re one of those homophobic people who think wearing skinny jeans is gay, than you’ve been seriously mislead my friend. Rock stars wear skinny jeans….…ENOUGH SAID.

If your Asian, chances are you’re probably a slim guy. I believe that the only guy’s that are allowed to rock the skinny jeans are guys that are lean and slender (nothing against the big dudes, but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles baby). Consider yourself lucky if you’re fit enough to wear a pair of skinny jeans.

Women LOVE a man who can rock a pair of skinny jeans. It’s stylish and projects the image that you’re a man who not only has style, but is confident and manly enough to be feminine sometimes. Buy yourself a pair of skinny jeans, you’ll thank me one day =]

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Fundamentals of INNER GAME


I decided to use a picture of MMA star Norifumi “Kid” Yamamoto because I feel that he embodies what it means to have “inner game”, not just because he fights for a living, but the guy is a legitimate badass, in and outside the ring.

So what does it mean to have inner game? Well, typically inner game incorporates several aspects of confidence, strength, and experience/wisdom. Some of the guys that I feel that have mastered this well are guys like David DeAngelo and Hypnotica. I suggest you check some of their stuff out as it will certainly improve your inner game.

Now you’ve probably heard women say that confidence is sexy; well, it IS! Picture two scenarios of two guys of equal looks and style, except that one guy utilizes eye contact when he speaks to women, and the other one doesn’t. Now which one do you think would get better results? The first guy of course.

Asian guys for some odd reason find it hard to make eye contact; I’m not saying that ALL do, but for the most part, especially the ones that I’ve met, struggle with this. This problem may be cause from family issues, as it is sometimes disrespectful to look directly at your parents in the eye, especially during disciplinary practices by the Asian parent.

So develop your inner game as it will be the fundamentals to everything you’ll learn from now on; without it, the “techniques” or “routines” will have no bearing whatsoever.

Monday, February 8, 2010

College Scene

When it comes to women and dating in college, there is a certain amount of calibration that needs to be set in order to get results. Being a college student myself, I understand this concept quite well.

I suggest checking out this eBook called
"Conquer your Campus" by Mark Redman and Christian Hudson if you really want to get the college game down. Basically, gaming at a club or bar as opposed to a college campus is a little different, but the one thing that is always going to stay consistent is inner game; without it, your inevitably going to crash and burn. Think of inner game as the foundation to everything, because no matter where you are e.g. college, bar, club etc., your going to need to have the fundamentals of inner game perfected.

After reading "Conquer your Campus", I must say that a lot of the material makes sense. Most of the material in the eBook emphasizes being social, and I definitely agree in a college setting, you need to be as social as possible without looking like your trying too hard. The key is to be natural, which a lot of PUA's emphasize as being the ultimate goal. Get out there, join some clubs, meet everyone and enjoy your years in college!! We live once baby, let's not waste anymore time!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Peacock Theory

Peacock theory is a term coined by a mPua (master pick-up artist) named Mystery. Basically the whole theory behind "peacocking" is to wear an article of clothing or accessory that stands out, quite like a peacocks feathers to attract attention.

I have further figured that to peacock can mean a lot of things. If you wear a pair off goggles on your head (like Mystery does), than that would be considered "peacocking". But for me, I tend to peacock by dying parts of my hair pink and wearing rings on my fingers. Anything can be a peacock, as long as it's a little unusual and it stands out.

Here's something that Asian guys have an advantage in: HAIR. Most Asian guys would be able to pull off any hairstyle they want (i.e. spiked up, faux-hawk, mohawk, bleached, etc.), whereas other races don't have the same luxury. Experiment with your hair and use it to your advantage! I've had people approach me constantly about how nice my hair is or how much they love it, and all i have is a faux-hawk with pink in parts of my hair!

I'll admit, it takes a certain amount of balls to pull off a successful peacock. In nature, a male peacock will show its feathers to a female peacock to attract attention; they do this and as a result that become susceptible to being slaughtered by a predator. This applies to the human social world as well, since when you attempt to "show your feathers", you will be susceptible to "attacks" from bitchy women or guys trying to alpha you.

Now if a guy (or girl) is trying to tool you by making fun of your peacock, here's a simple was of disarming them: IGNORE THEM. The only reason why they would want to tool you is because they're trying be have more "value" than you by invoking some sort of emotional reaction out of you. Be as unreactive as possible, that is the key to successfully negate them. Simply ignoring them will do the trick, but if you come up with something witty to say, than your gold.

Be creative. Based on my own personal experience, "peacocking" does work, as long as you make it part of who you are and be comfortable with it.
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