It's no secret that many men have trouble in the field of dating and seduction, but let's face it, ASIAN MEN HAVE IT THE WORST!!
This is due to many factors:
1. Media
This poster of television show Heroes pretty much says it all. If you're familiar with the show, than you definitely know how our boy Hiro Nakamura is portrayed. The media for some reason doesn't like to portray Asian males as strong, confident, or sexy. Instead, we're portrayed as geeky, shy, and unattractive. Let me ask you a question: when was the last time you ever heard of an Asian man as a sex symbol? I havn't.
2. Family
Asian children are brought up a whole lot differently than your typical American families. Asian families stress only a few things: Money, Education and MONEY. I can hear my father's rambling in my head right now....."IF YOU DON"T DO GOOD IN SCHOOL, NO BODY GOING TO LIKE YOU, YOU BECOME A BUM".
3. Style
Simply put, we don't have any. Walk around your average college campus and you'll see what I'm talking about. There's just no sense of fashion for us, just blend in and nobody will say anything.
I know it's hard to accept but sadly its true, we are at an disadvantage. But you know what? I say FUCK THAT. Fuck the stereotypes and what people say, because no one is a victim unless they allow themselves to be by making excuses or ignoring the cold hard truth. I'm going to show you how to go from this:
To this: