Welcome To World of Jonni Li

Once You Go Rice You Never Think Twice

Wednesday, December 23, 2009



I learned this fundamental rule from Mystery, the man behind The Mystery Method. Getting out of the house is probably the biggest change you could do if you want to improve you're social skills with not only women but people in general. I know it's common sense but some guys just don't get it cause it's that simple. Try to go to as many social gatherings as possible, whether it be a club, lounge, bar, any niche club on campus, you name it; as long as there's people around you who you don't normally surround yourself with, you're at the right place.

So if it's a Friday night and you find yourself watching Korean dramas or anime on Youtube, you need to get out of the damn house! I know it's a scary world out there but you will never make progress unless you get out of your comfort zone; this is particularly true with Asian guys in general, since once we don't have to put ourselves out there, we feel comfortable and content with ourselves, but by not going out and leaving your comfort zone, there won't be much progression...

So get out there!! Make as many friends as possible (hopefully with benefits) and enjoy yourselves gentlemen! I'll continue posting advice/tips on you're growth in the world of dating/seduction =)

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